Sunday, 8 November 2009

What on earth happened to Bens face !?!

What on earth happened to Ben's face!?!
Here is your chance to win the fantastic prize of knowing you are smarter than everybody else.
Look at the picture below and decide what happened and then leave your answer on comments.

Normal rules and regulations apply, if you have been informed already by BS Calvert on the nature of the accident you are excluded from participation.

A. While teaching Grade 3 one of the boys threw a temper tantrum (and he's one of the small guys in the class.) While holding onto him to calm him down he accidently managed to konk me with the back of his hand right on the bridge of the nose.. Resulting in the above..

B. Working and living on a ship will always be dangerous.. While teaching on deck 8 (top deck) Our engineering department were working on the canopy that covers a large section on the deck. One of the, thankfully, rope ties snapped and the knot at the bottom smacked me on the eyebrow of my right eye.. Resulting in the above..

C. While joining in with the Benin Olympics I decided o back-flip of a pallet. While taking off the palet tipped changing my angle of take off resulting in me getting round but smashing my nose of my knee while,landing. Lavishing the floor aroun in a spray of blood. Resulting in the above..

D. While walking in town the other weekend I say a young lady being mugged by 10 large guys. Without a thought to my own safety I rushed in and grabbed hold of her. As the men surrounded us I said in a calm and collected voice: 'you may take me down, but you're coming down with me. In a flurry of punches, kicks, scratches, karate chops and Judo rolls I managed to help the girl and myself escape, leaving 8 guys unconcious on the ground and 2 others running in fear of their lives.. I did get hit a few times.. Resulting in the above..
(May not seem probably but was the most fun to type)

E. Water and ships who thought they wouldnt mix.. I slipped on a wet patch on a set of stairs on the outside deck where I teach and hit my nose on the banister while scrambiling for control again.. Resulting in the above..

Whichever one you choose to believe know that I'm fine and look normal again (or as normal as I ever have..)


  1. Sexy;)! je lijkt ouder!

    De laatste rede zal het wel zijn.
    Ik gok dat het gebeurde voordat je een bak koffie op had. Fietsen kon je rond dat tijdstip ook al niet;)

    Groetjes Admar en een knuffel van roos

  2. Ik ga toch voor D, Ben je bent mijn held :P

  3. I go for E and i am glad to hear all is back to normal.
    greetings rosita and also from my mom

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ik ga voor A...
    kinderen zijn helemaal niet lief en schattig :(
    ik had vorige week een arm van een 8-jarig meisje in m'n oog.
    Gister ontwijkte ik een slagbalplankje van een gup uit groep 6...

    Ik zie er gelukkig niet zo ernstig uit als jij Ben :)

    liefs Lydia!!
