Sunday, 8 November 2009

The big news round-up

I have to start by apoligizing for my lack of Blog entries and email responses. Everybody who knows me will testify to my complete lack of organization. Dont worry though, I will get back to you!

To start with a roundup of the news from the ship. Last weekend was a long weekend so went away for 2 nights with 12 good friends. It was an amazing chance to relax! Even though we all came back more tired than we left the batteries still feel recharged. Benin is a beautiful country by the way. Although we were only 2 hours down the coast the sceneray seemed that of a tropical paradise but returning to Cotonou set our feet all firmly back in the reality of the challenges this country faces.

Being able to spend some time with a good group of friends made me realise how many AMAZING people I am honoured to meet here. People with amazing faith and grace, but with humor, stupidness and fun aswell. As great as that is the thought that out of the 12 on the trip 10 will have left by the end of the year was scary. It is a sad reality of our community here that the majority of the people serve for up to 1 outreach (outreach being the time we are in 1 country). Although this does give you the oppertunity to meet so many amazing people it also means that the turnover is high. As a long term'er I will see a lot of people come and go, as frightening as this is I know that I am making friends for life here, and literally from every continent. This Christianity stuff has really started to spread ;)

Funny note: we had/have (depends when I get round to posting this) the Beninois Navy in the harbour this week. This meant: 2 very rusty definently on the small side Navy vessels with cannons in the front. And 1 small motorboat with 2 oversized engines on the back and 1 oversized submachine gun mounted on the front. Knowing there wasn't any problems (with us at least) or any danger what so ever, it is still slightly unnerving and very sureal to be teaching a lesson and look across and see a motorboat scanning its submachine gun in your general direction. Cool eh!

Last interesting bit of international sportsnews is my brief return from retirement to play in the Africa Mercy Crew vs Africa Mercy Day Volunteer football match. Day volunteers are local people who help us during our stay here and are payed a compensation for their work. GO CREW!
We (the crew) managed to win on penalties after a 0-0 draw. To be honest it was really nice to be back on a pitch (without my knees hurting)... watch this space.. ;)

Hopefully on Monday we will be having dinner at the presidential palace as he has invited the whole crew to thank us for our work here. This could be a major chance for us to minister to the senior officials of the country so please pray for the meeting. this is the 3rd time the dinner has been rescheduled but it is not every day you meet a president so it will be worth the wait.

Newsletter on its way this week!

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,


  1. you need to recount...there will be 4 of us still around...amy, miriam, ryan and i =)

  2. i missed one too =( i forgot elliot! 5!
