Wednesday, 12 August 2009

It's just another one of those glory days..

School's started!
There is nothing like being asked: 'so how was school today?' and then discovering its not your mother asking and you're not 8 years old.. :)

But i've got my 'classroom' up and running, interesting experience when you have to watch out cause their treating your gymhall for rust :P but the kids are just gems!!

Following on from small mercies last time: my showers been fixed! No more lukewarm morning showers but piping hot relaxing ones!! It's the little things that keep you going..

Funny story: I've got a shiplicense!! This basicly means that I can use the Land Rovers available!! Ive been told its not necesseraly a normal thing to have (especially as I dont have a family) so what a luxury!! This is what the new wheels look like:

I had a drive out on Tuesday trying to pick up supplies and its just madness!! Traffic rules arent so much laws here as general advice. Green means 'GO', red means 'stop if you want but dont worry if you dont want to..'
'No right turns' means: 'take right turns but at own risk..'
And the big rule of the road is: 'size wins..'
Car beats Zimi jon, Land Rover beats Car, Truck beats Land Rover, Tank beats Truck (not found anything that beats Tank yet..'

Life will never be the same again.. (in a good way)

(Poll: do I use .. too much at the end of sentences? Let me know..)


  1. I use...all the time...

    I love your humor...

    Glad you're on the ship...

    Kids need exercise...

    Keep up the good work...

  2. How much fun is it driving a Landy :o) Still miss my old Landy (named Baden). You know what they say "it takes a licking an keeps on ticking".
    Not ready to go back to school just yet but I don't have a choice, roll on Monday.
    Take care.
    Love Murray :o<)>

  3. Hey Ben,

    Ik blijf stug in het nl bloggen hoor!:P
    Jouw stukken begrijp ik wel aardig hoor, maar sommige woorden:P. zo gok ik een eindje weg en komt t vast wel goed.

    Vet dat je een land rover hebt, kan je al die cars beaten.

    Hoe vinden die kinderen dat ze echt gymles krijgen??

    Ik spreek je snel weer via msn of mail.
    Want nu ben ik ook alweer haast een week later dan je blog verscheen.:(

    Keep on the good work! :D

    x ad
