Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Now tell me there's not a God..

Sailing has the general disadvantage of not being able to leave the ship (technically you could but.. yeah you get the point) but at the same time has some moments that you almost never get a chance to experience while on the solid stuff.

My favourite evening activity during a sail is endlessly and without purpose wandering the outer decks at night.
I love the sight of the ocean in all directions. I love the absolute lack of normal day to day noise. I love that nobody else is around. But most of all... I love the sky!

Im not sure this needs much explaining but at sea there are not a lot of streetlight, not very many office blocks and no cars.. all this makes for complete darkness, well complete darkness aside form the amazing view of a million stars in the sky and the Milky Way spread across the heavens.

The other day I was lucky enough to be out on a clear night without a moon.
Absolutely beautiful!
After your eyes get used to the darkness there are stars literally everywhere.
Now I dont just mean the stars that you see on a 'normal evening', but literally everywhere, every single inch of the night sky is in someway covered by a dot, a speck of light that represents another solar system.
All of these specks are others suns, each sun with the possibility of endless planets.

Well the other night I was taken by the question: How... how can this be chance?
Who can look at that and not acknowledge God.
How can something this big be the pure work of randomness, no design, no planning, no beauty.

Dont get me wrong, I love science, I believe there are many answers to be found in science (yes even in our Christian existence), but lets not forget: it is His science.

Next clear night stop and look up, take it all in for a few minutes... now tell me there's not a God.

Have to admit.. not my picture.. I dont have good enough camera of photography skills for this :)

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