Monday, 26 April 2010

And don't I forget it..

So now when I turn the tap water comes out.. that wasnt happening the other morning

And now when I switch a light it comes on.. that wasnt happening the other morning

When I turn the airconditioning regulator cold air comes out.. that wasnt happening the other morning

I expected dinner at 5, it was there at 5.. that wasnt happening the other morning

Safe to say the other morning I wasnt on the ship and now I am. Its at times like this I really appreciate the huge creature comforts we have onboard. I spent an overnight in Palome this weekend, a town about 3 hours up country, out in Africa!!

Yes, surprisingly it is Africa you step into when you walk down that gangway and out of those gates.

Funny, I see scores of patients coming onto the dock each day, I watch them wait and come and go and yet it is so easy to forget where we are. So easy to get caught up in the jobs that need done and spend the rest of the time just 'hanging out', and forget what is out there and how lucky I am!

Take a globe, spin it to the southern hemisphere and pull a line down from London, see that sliver of land? Yes, the one just beside Ghana. No thats Ivory Coast; we're on the other side.

That is Togo. Thats where I am. As much as I sometimes forget and kick myself for it, I am in Togo.

Serving, living, fighting, hurting, laughing, in Togo.

And I better never forget it.

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