Sunday, 25 October 2009

The power of a smile.

(The thoughts of a simple PE teacher..)

This week has been a long and strenuous week. Many a night was spent sitting behind a desk as grades had to be prepared, rapport written, conferences held with parents and meetings participated in. By the time Friday came around I had little more to give.

Saturday being a day off and I walked out to have lunch with a friend. And the end of the dock was a military guard with a Kalashnikov, not a strange occurrence at all and nothing to cause worry. But the fact that he was holding a submachine gun is always a little shock to a simple European.

Later that evening I was down on the ward wearing stupid oversized glasses made from cardboard (why is a story in its own right). A mother called me over to see her baby girl. She had just had surgery on a hydro seal. This is a collection of fluids on the brain that caused a growth on her cranium. The pressure of the build up of fluid had left her with brain damage. She rolled his eyes and stared vacantly up at her mother.

These 3 things bring me to my question: where do we see ‘power’?
Tiredness weighs us down, it pushes us to physical and emotional limits, constricts us in our actions and edges our responses.
Firearms have a too apart a power, too often have these inventions been a tool of suffering and pain.
And what of physical ailments? An innocent girl with an affliction from birth that will burden her through life, leaving her scarred physically and mentally.These are the things that are powerful. These are the things that attack us on every facet of our being. If you were keeping score it truely is fairly simple: we lose.

Then she smiled..

A baby of not 6 months old, coming out of major surgery and still with great struggle ahead; she smiled and shook her head at this stupid man wearing (badly made) oversized cardboard glasses.

I was pondering the question: where do we see ‘power’? There . That is where you see true power; power in hope. Every burden, every pain, every struggle I had felt or had seen in the week before was lifted, cancelled out and put to shame by the smile of a baby and the eternal hope it symbolized.

Do you want to know who God is? God is good .

1 comment:

  1. Hee Ben,

    Om je Nederlands op peil te houden: een bericht in het Nederlands! Leuk om te lezen wat je daar allemaal bezig houdt, echt een héél ander leven dan hier. Het klinkt erg indrukwekkend en interessant. Je maakt volgens mij in een week mee dan hier in een jaar.
    Ik ben sinds 3 weken bezig met m'n coschappen, nu is het nog rustig, maar straks wordt dit ook een intensieve periode. Wel heel leerzaam allemaal! Ik hoop van je te horen hoe het allemaal gaat!

    X Lisa
