So as regularly happens I seem to be starting this blog post with apologies. In the mad life of a missionary my blog (and newsletters) seem to slip between he cracks. I am honestly sorry about his and will continue to try to better my ways.
Tomorrow I will catch you up with how things 'in the field' are but tonight I start with a belated personal update.
I AM ENGAGED! This summer I managed to spend 5 weeks with the love of my life, Hannah, who I met last year on the ship when she was a nurse on the wards.
We dated for 4 months in Benin and then when she returned home to California in January I moved with the ship to Togo. Our relationship has been growing ever since and when I at last got to see her this summer.. I proposed..
By the way.. absolute respect to everyone who has ever proposed and a warning to those who still will someday. That is the most scary thing I have ever done! Your life hangs in the ultimate balance as the pause between question and answers seems to take a multitude of hours to pass!!!!
Lucky I can say that form down on one knee the answer was YES! and our plan is to marry next summer in California. Hannah has been a true blessing in my life and I overflow with thanks to God for leading us together and to this point. It is a true miracle to me that we ever managed to meet from 2 continents, let alone keep the relationship growing when 12.436 km apart (according to the World Distance Calculator the distance between Lome and San Francisco, Ah the wonders of the internet..).
So it just falls to me to end this post with a photo of my beautiful wife to be and myself just before I left her in California (taken by her good friend and great photographer Juanita Cannan)